Chapter 3. Framework and Configuration

3.1. Overview

Aranea framework consists of a number of independent components each performing a single well-defined function. Aranea uses Spring to wire these components into a working framework. Though other IoC containers and configuration frameworks would also work we support Spring by default since it provides a very comfortable and versatile syntax for configuring beans. The dispatcher servlet that uses Spring is called org.araneaframework.integration.spring.AraneaSpringDispatcherServlet. Note that Aranea itself does not depend on Spring except the classes in the org.araneaframework.integration.spring package.

3.2. Application Configuration

3.2.1. web.xml

The simplest way to configure Aranea for a web application is to set the araneaApplicationStart init parameter of the dispatcher servlet to the starting widget or flow of the application:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN" 


This configuration will load Aranea using example.StartWidget as the application starting point.


The servlet must be mapped to a all subpathes starting from some prefix (in our case /main/*) so that Aranea could do some path-dependent operations like extension file importing.


org.araneaframework.http.core.StandardSessionListener is required to allow Aranea to process events like session invalidation.

3.2.2. aranea-conf.xml

Aranea can also be configured using a Spring configuration file located in /WEB-INF/aranea-conf.xml. Particularly it may be used to set the starting widget instead of the init-parameter:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <bean id="araneaApplicationStart" 

This seems to be more verbose, but it also allows to configure the framework components as described in Section 3.4, “Framework Configuration”.


Aranea also takes into account a property file located in /WEB-INF/ The following properties are recognized:

l10n.resourceBundleThe base name of the resource bundle used for localization. This value isn't used if default araneaLocalizationFilter is overidden (e.g. by the SpringLocalizationFilterService)

Default value:

l10n.defaultLocaleThe default locale to be used in the application.

Default value: en

l10n.encodingThe default character encoding to be used throughout the application (e.g. for request and response).

Default value: UTF-8

jsp.pathThe path from the webapp root to the directory that will act as JSP root. The JSPs put there can be selected using widget view selectors (see Section 2.7.7, “View Model and Rendering”).

Default value: /WEB-INF/jsp

3.2.4. AraneaSpringDispatcherServlet

AraneaSpringDispatcherServlet provides a number of init-params that allow to further customize Aranea configuration:

araneaCustomConfXMLThe custom location of a Spring XML file used to configure Aranea.

Default value: /WEB-INF/aranea-conf.xml

araneaCustomConfPropertiesThe custom location of a property file used to configure Aranea.

Default value: /WEB-INF/

araneaApplicationStartThe class name of an Aranea widget that will serve as the starting point of an Aranea application. If omitted the Spring bean araneaApplicationStart will be used.
araneaApplicationRootThe class name of an Spring bean describing an Aranea component that will serve as the framework root. If omitted the Spring bean araneaApplicationRoot will be used. Can be used to override the default configuration altogether.

3.2.5. Extending Dispatcher

Currently, the most common way to put Aranea to work is to host it in a Servlet 2.3 or compatible container. The most generic way to do that is to extend the org.araneaframework.http.core.BaseAraneaDispatcherServlet and build the root component of type org.araneaframework.http.ServletServiceAdapterComponent in the overrided method buildRootComponent():

package com.foobar.myapp;

class MyServlet extends BaseAraneaDispatcherServlet {
   protected ServletServiceAdapterComponent buildRootComponent() {
     StandardServletServiceAdapterComponent root = new StandardServletServiceAdapterComponent();

     //Configure the child components, service widgets using setter injection

     return root;

One can then use such a servlet to configure Aranea in a web application as by replacing the standard dispatcher servlet with the custom one in WEB-INF/web.xml.

3.2.6. ConfigurationContext

Aranea also provides a central way to configure some settings that affect the way some components work or display data. These settings are stored in a Map, where the key names are defined in the org.araneaframework.uilib.ConfigurationContext interface.

The ConfigurationContext is accessible from the Environment or by the getConfiguration() method of BaseUIWidget.

Every application may provide their own values for settings by implementing their version of the ConfigurationContext like following:

public class CustomConfiguration implements ConfigurationContext {

  private Map configuration = new HashMap();

  public CustomConfiguration() {
    // Note that these constants are defined by the ConfigurationContext.
    configuration.put(CUSTOM_DATE_FORMAT, "dd.MM.yyyy|d.M.yyyy");
    configuration.put(CUSTOM_TIME_FORMAT, "HH:mm");
    configuration.put(FULL_LIST_ITEMS_ON_PAGE, new Long(20));

  public Object getEntry(String entryName) {
    return configuration.get(entryName);


For more information on the settings that can be changed, please see the ConfigurationContext interface in the Aranea API.

To make Aranea use the custom-created configuration, the class must be defined in aranea-conf.xml file like this:

<bean id="araneaConfiguration"
    class="" singleton="false" />

Note that it is defined as not being a singleton. This means that the configuration is created for every context (user). Therefore, the settings can be further customized to be more user specific.

3.2.7. StateVersioningContext

To compensate the lack of support for the back button of the web browser, a custom solution for this has been added to Aranea since release 1.2. This solution depends on rsh (Really Simple History), so you also need to import JavaScripts (js/aranea/aranea-rsh.js, js/rsh/rsh.js, see also System tags).

The main interface of this context is org.araneaframework.http.StateVersioningContext, and once enabled, it is accessible form the Environment, though one generally does not need to access it. Every application may provide their own values for costumizing the number of pages (default is 20) of the StateVersioningContext. To enable state versioning, one must add following XML code to aranea-conf.xml:

<bean id="araneaStateVersioningFilter"
    <property name="maxVersionedStates" value="10"/>

Note that it is defined as not being a singleton. This means that the configuration is created for every context (user). Therefore, the settings can be further customized to be more user specific.


Since the visited pages are serialized on the client side, do not set high values for maxVersionedStates as it puts more stress on the client's browser. Therefore, 10 is normal, 20 should be maximum value for this attribute.

In addition, an update region must be defined in your root.jsp that wraps system form and has a fixed name: araneaGlobalClientHistoryNavigationUpdateRegion. This is the region that is updated when the user moves between pages using the back button of the browser. Here's an example:

        <ui:updateRegion globalId="araneaGlobalClientHistoryNavigationUpdateRegion">
                <ui:systemForm method="post">

Finally, you also need to copy etc/js/rsh/blank.html from the Aranea 1.2 release package and place it in the root directory of your WAR bundle (the same directory where WEB-INF is located). This HTML file is needed for compatibility with Internet Explorer.

3.3. Framework Assembly

Aranea framework is made up of the same Components, Services and Widgets that are also used to develop Aranea applications. Each component performs a single well-defined function and depends on its parents only through the Environment where component lives. The framework components mostly fall in one of the three following categories:


Filter components are the simplest. The component (typically Service, see Section 2.5, “Services”) contains a single unnamed child and implements the Filter pattern by either passing each call to the child or not. However in addition it may enrich the child's environment with contexts and provide more functionality like exception handling or synchronization. Typical examples of filters are localization filter (provides a localization context), synchronization filter (synchronizes on action() method) and transactional filter that does not let through double submits.


Router typically contains many named children, and chooses only one to propagate the calls to according to some InputData parameter. Router may have the children either statically preconfigured or created dynamically when the request comes (the latter is the case with session service router). It may also allow us to add/remove children while the application is running. A typical application of a router is to distinguish among major application parts by some attribute (like component corresponding to a user session, or one of the popup window of current user).


Container can have one or many children, but it typically will do more with them than just passing the calls to one of them. A typical example is the widget container service which translates action() calls into widget update()/event()/render() cycle.

The frameworks itself is assembled using a hierarchy of components (this hierarchy is mostly flat, except for the routers and application components). The hierarchy is arranged simply by containment, with each component containing its chidren as fields as illustrated on Figure 3.1, “Framework assembly example”.

Framework assembly example

Figure 3.1. Framework assembly example

Of course this illustration is simplified, omitting most of the components described in Section 3.5, “Framework Components”. If you want to find out more about the way framework is built and assembled, see the Aranea Technical Paper.

3.4. Framework Configuration

Aranea framework is assembled into a mostly-flat hierarchy using Spring beans. The default Aranea configuration is loaded by the AraneaSpringDispatcherServlet, but it can be overriden with the custom configuration in aranea-conf.xml. The dispatcher servlet loads the configuration in such a way that same named beans in aranea-conf.xml override the ones specified in the default configuration. However, not all beans can be safely or comfortably overriden, since many of them will also refer to their child beans.

It is always safe to override filters, as they should never refer directly to their children. To override a filter just make a bean definition with the same name as in default configuration (filters and their default configuration names among other components are described in Section 3.5, “Framework Components”). For instance to override the default localization context with a custom-made one, one would need to add the following lines:

<bean class="example.LocalizationFilterService"
  id="araneaLocalizationFilter" singleton="false">
  <property name="languageName" value="ee"/>

There is no good way in Spring to undefine a bean, so instead we use a "No OPeration" filter to nullify a filter from the default configuration:

<bean class="org.araneaframework.framework.core.NopFilterWidget"
  id="araneaTransactionFilter" singleton="false"/>


Since filters can be both services and widgets, you have to be careful to use the appropriate one for the current context. In current case you have override service filters with NopFilterService and widget filters with NopFilterWidget.

There is no generic way to insert filters into an arbitrary place in the framework component hierarchy. However there are several predefined places left for optional bean insertion at various levels of the hierarchy, which should cover most of customization needs. To allow inserting more than one filter at a time a filter chain bean is provided that allows putting together an arbitrary long chain of filters:

<bean id="araneaCustomSessionFilters" singleton="false"
  <property name="filterChain">     
      <ref bean="araneaSerializingAudit"/>
      <ref bean="myCustomFilter1"/>
      <ref bean="myCustomFilter2"/>


Use StandardFilterChainService for hosting service filters and StandardFilterChainWidget for hosting widget filters.

Follows a description of the insertion point beans and their scope:

Bean nameScope and Description

These filters are created only once and live as long as the application does. They are not synchronized and should be use to add features generic to the whole application, not specific users. The exceptions thrown by this filters are intepreted as critical and are handled by the critical exception handler.

Examples: araneaFileUploadFilter, araneaStatisticFilter.


These filters are created for every HTTP user session and live as long as the session does. They are generally synchronized and should be used to add features specific to the current user session.

Examples: araneaLocalizationFilter.


These filters are created for every user browser window and live as long as the window does. They are synchronized and should be used to add features specific to the individual browser window (e.g. most rendering filters will fall into this category).

Examples: araneaThreadCloningFilter .


These filters are created for every user browser window and live as long as the window does. They are synchronized and should be used to add features specific to the individual browser window. Unlike the rest of the filters this can be widgets and thus can take advantage of the widget update/event/process/render cycle.

Examples: araneaTransactionFilter, araneaMessagingFilter.

3.5. Framework Components

Aranea configuration is determined by request-processing components that can be assembled in many different ways. Following sections are a brief reference for pre-existing standard components, most of which are also used in Aranea framework default configuration.

3.5.1. Localization Filter

Java class:StandardLocalizationFilterService
Default configuration name:araneaLocalizationFilter
Depends on:-

Provides localization services to children. See Section 2.8.2, “LocalizationContext”.

Injectable propertiesDescription


A valid ISO Language Code. Sets Locale according to given language.


Name of the used resource bundle used to localize the application.


Locale to use. Either that or languageName should be specified, but not both.

3.5.2. AJAX Update Regions Filter

Java class:StandardUpdateRegionFilterWidget
Default configuration name:araneaUpdateRegionFilter
Depends on:-

When framework receives an event(request) that has update region parameters defined, this filter is activated and takes care that only the smallest renderable unit that defines named update region is actually rendered. Generated response also contains only the rendered content of particular component(s) that needed to be rendered for updating the regions.

Injectable propertiesDescription


The character encoding for responses served by this filter, default being "UTF-8".
Notes: In Aranea 1.1 this filter has changed from Service to Widget. Also, the configuration parameter existingRegions only exists in 1.0 branch (TODO: elaborate why? (imho it should remain anyway)).

3.5.3. Environment Configuration Filter

Java class:StandardContextMapFilterWidget
Default configuration name:araneaEnvContextFilter
Depends on:-

Filter widget that enriches children environment with specified context entries.

Injectable propertiesDescription


A map of contexts that will be added to environment. The keys can contains strings of kind "package.ClassName.class", which will use a Class object of the specified classname as the context key. The context value should be an object instance of the context interface. By convention a context should be registered under a key that is an interface it implements.

3.5.4. Critical Exception Handler

Java class:StandardCriticalExceptionHandlingFilterService
Default configuration name:araneaCriticalErrorHandler
Depends on:-

Catches the exceptions (if any) occuring while executing children methods; passes the exceptions on to Service that deals with exception handling (obtained from ExceptionHandlerFactory).

Injectable propertiesDescription


A factory for creating exception handlers. An exception handler is a service, which handles the user notification and recovery.

3.5.5. File Uploading Filter

Java class:StandardFileUploadFilterService
Default configuration name:araneaFileUploadFilter
Provides:FileUploadContext, FileUploadInputExtension
Depends on:-

Enriches child environment with FileUploadContext (which is just a marker interface). When incoming request is multi-part request, children's InputData is extended with FileUploadInputExtension that allows children easy access to uploaded files.

Injectable propertiesDescription


Character encoding that will be used to decode the multipart/form-data encoded strings. The default encoding is determined by Apache Commons FileUpload class.


When set to "true" request character encoding will be used to parse the multipart/form-data encoded strings.


Maximum size of file that may be cached in memory.


Maximum size of file that may be uploaded to server.


Maximum size of the request that server will parse to the end.


Temporary directory to use when uploading files.

3.5.6. HTTP Response Headers Filter

Java class:StandardHttpResponseFilterService
Default configuration name:araneaResponseHeaderFilter
Depends on:-

Filter that sets necessay headers of the response.

Injectable propertiesDescription


Whether the response is cacheable or not. By default it is not cacheable.


Sets the content type of the response. Default is "text/html; charset=UTF-8".


Constructs cookies from the <cookieName, cookieValue> pairs in the map and sets them in response.


Sets the headers of the response from the map of <headerName, headerValue>.


Sets the cache-control's max-age parameter, value is in milliseconds. Response must be cacheable for this to have any effect.

3.5.7. JSP Configuration Filter

Java class:StandardJspFilterService
Default configuration name:araneaJspConfigFilter
Depends on:LocalizationContext

Provides JSP specific information to children.

Injectable propertiesDescription


Sets the "accept-charset" attribute value that will be used for rendering Aranea JSP specific systemForm.


Path where widgets rendering themselves with jsp templates should search for them. Default is "/WEB-INF/jsp".


File name extension jsp templates are assumed to have. Default is ".jsp".

3.5.8. User Messages Filter

Java class:StandardMessagingFilterWidget
Default configuration name:araneaMessagingFilter
Depends on:-

See Section 2.8.1, “MessageContext”.

3.5.9. Popup Windows Filter

Java class:StandardPopupFilterWidget
Default configuration name:araneaPopupFilter
Depends on:ThreadContext, TopServiceContext, TransactionContext

Provides methods for opening new session-threads and renders these in different browser windows at client-side.

Injectable propertiesDescription


Factory that should build the component chain according to effective Aranea configuration, beginning with sessionthread-level filters.

3.5.10. Component Serialization Auditing Filter

Java class:StandardSerializingAuditFilterService
Default configuration name:araneaSerializingAudit (not included in default filter chain)
Depends on:-

Always serializes the the session during the request routing. This filter helps to be aware of serializing issues during development as when the session does not serialize, exception is always thrown. In production configuration, this filter should never be enabled, thus it is disabled by default.

Injectable propertiesDescription


The path where the serialized sessions should be logged in XML format. If not specified, serialization tests are performed in-memory.

3.5.11. Statistics Logging Filter

Java class:StandardStatisticFilterService
Default configuration name:araneaStatisticFilter
Depends on:-

Filter that logs the time it takes for the child service to serve the request (complete its action method).

Injectable propertiesDescription


The prefix of the statistics log statement.

3.5.12. Browser Window Cloning Filter

Java class:StandardThreadCloningFilterService
Default configuration name:araneaThreadCloningFilter
Depends on:ThreadContext, TopServiceContext

Implementation of a service that clones currently running session thread upon request and sends a response that redirects to cloned session thread. It can be used to support "open link in new window" feature in browsers. Cloning is generic and resource demanding, as whole tree of session thread components is recreated. Custom applications may find that they can implement some application specific cloning strategy that demands less memory and processing power.

Injectable propertiesDescription


Inactivity time for cloned thread after which thread router may kill the thread service. This is specified in milliseconds. If unset, threads created by cloning service usually live until HTTP session in which they were spawned expires.

3.5.13. Multi-submit Protection Filter

Java class:StandardTransactionFilterWidget
Default configuration name:araneaTransactionFilter
Depends on:SystemFormContext

TransactionContext implementation that filters routing of duplicate requests. The detection of duplicate requests is achieved through defining new transaction ID in each response and checking that next request submits the consistent transaction ID. Missing (null) transaction ID is always considered inconsistent. For purposes of asynchronous requests, override transaction ID is always considered consistent.

Transactions work in Aranea application by default. You may notice it in a web page as a hidden field, for example:

<input name="araTransactionId" type="hidden" value="-8629560801569274688"/>

The value is random, and a TransactionContext checks every request whether it is the same as expected (it remembers the previous transactionId value it gave to the page). If it is not the same, the request will be ignored. Therefore, one may notice when transactions are inconsistent: the pages won't update itself (on first click).

Sometimes, however, a transactionId may become inconsistent (for various reasons, such as due to a background request). Then the solution would be to change the transactionId value to "override" (for example, by using JavaScript). (In the next response, the transactionId will still have a new random numeric value.)

Request parameter nameDescription
transactionIdTransaction id must be equal to the last one generated for the transaction to be consistent.

3.5.14. Class Reloading Filter

Java class:StandardClassReloadingFilterWidget
Default configuration name:-
Depends on:-

This filter allows to reload the underlying object classes dynamically. This means that you can just change the widget source file, compile it (e.g. with IDE built-in compiler) and it will be reloaded seamlessly in Aranea. This will apply only to Aranea widget classes under this filter and the classes they contain (but not e.g. Spring beans). This filter must be registered instead of the araneaApplicationStart to function.


None of the classes under this filter may be configured by Spring or anything else using its own classloader!

Injectable propertiesDescription


The full names of the child widget class.

3.5.15. Client State Serialization Filter

Java class:StandardClientStateFilterWidget
Default configuration name:araneaClientStateFilter (not included in default filter chain)
Depends on:SystemFormContext

This filter will serialize the state of underlying widgets onto client-side. This significantly decreases the server-side session size and thus memory use. It is especially useful in intranet applications with lots of spare bandwidth. The filter should be positioned as the first custom widget filter for most gain.


The filter will protect against tampering with the serialized state and will throw an exception if modified state is submitted from the client-side. As a bonus this filter will also allow a user to make up to 10 steps back and forward in browser history, restoring the correct state.

Injectable propertiesDescription


If true the serialized state will also be GZIP'ed, trading processor time for bandwidth. False by default.

3.5.16. Extension File Import Filter

Java class:StandardFileImportFilterService
Default configuration name:araneaFileImportFilter
Depends on:-

This filter is responsible for providing a virtual file system so that extensions could make use of the resources included in .JAR files. See Section 3.6.1, “Extension Resources”

When the file importer is used to provide aranea resources (styles/JavaScripts) it also defines cache time, after which the browser reloads the resources. You can configure this value through web.xml configuration parameter (the default time is 1 hour):


3.5.17. Bookmarking/URL Mounting Filter

Java class:StandardMountingFilterService
Default configuration name:araneaMountingFilter
Depends on:-

Implementation of a service that allows to "mount" flow components to a publicly accessible URL. It is used when it is needed that some (read-only) parts of application are accessible to users who are not able to enter the session-based conversation with application.

Injectable propertiesDescription

java.util.Map<String, MountContext.MessageFactory>

Keys in the map are URL prefixes under which the flow component is mapped. Values are org.araneaframework.Message factories of type MountContext.MessageFactory—producing messages that generate component hierarchy for serving wanted content.

3.5.18. Root Flow Container

Java class:RootFlowContainerWidget
Default configuration name:araneaRootFlowContainer
Provides:RootFlowContext, FlowContext
Depends on:-

See Section 2.8.3, “FlowContext” for purpose and philosophy behind FlowContext. RootFlowContext is same as FlowContext, but allows acces to the root flow container at any time. Remember that RootFlowContext is the topmost flow context that everything else depends on. One can find it from the Environment.


Flow containers are not generally a part of the framework and can be used in your application as needed. In a typical Aranea application the menu will inherit from ExceptionHandlingFlowContainerWidget that besides providing the flow container functionality also allows to handle flow exceptions inside the container, preserving the menus and current state. See business application tutorial for more information.

Injectable propertiesDescription


First widget to be started in this container.

3.5.19. Overlay Container

Java class:StandardOverlayContainerWidget
Default configuration name:araneaOverlayContainer
Depends on:-

Supports running processes in "overlay" layer (in parallel FlowContext of the same session thread). Allows construction of modal dialogs and modal processes.

Injectable propertiesDescription


Widget corresponding to main process running outside overlay.


Component responsible for running processes in overlay layer.

3.5.20. System Form Field Storage Filter

Java class:StandardSystemFormFilterService
Default configuration name:araneaSystemFormFilter
Provides:SystemFormContext (for adding/examining managed form fields).
Depends on:TopServiceContext, ThreadContext

Stores system form fields that will be written out when <ui:systemForm> tag is used. Form fields that indicate service levels (topServiceId and threadServiceId) are always automatically added to every response by this implementation.

This filter does not have any special injectable properties (except the usual childService). SystemFormContext interface is accessible from the Environment when this filter is present in the hierarchy and provides addField(String key, String value); and Map getFields(); methods for managing special form fields. See also information about systemForm tag.

3.5.21. Window Scroll Position Filter

Java class:StandardWindowScrollPositionFilterWidget
Default configuration name:araneaScrollingFilter
Depends on:-

This filter provides a way to preserve the scroll position of the window so that the user would not have to scroll back to the same place on the page every time they click on something. With every submit, the page sends its scroll coordinates so that the next response would know where to scroll the page. All-in-all, you can consider it a nice feature to have.

To enable this feature, one must define it in aranea-conf.xml:

 <bean id="araneaCustomWidgetFilters" singleton="false"
   <property name="filterChain">
       <ref bean="araneaScrollingFilter"/>

Note the araneaScrollingFilter, which you do not have to define yourself (just reference it).

In addition, this feature must be registered in a (root) JSP page:


    <div id="cont1">
      <ui:systemForm method="POST">

Notice the <ui:registerScrollHandler/> tag!

3.6. Other

3.6.1. Extension Resources

External resources, such as javascript, style and image files of Aranea components are managed through different configuration files. The resources are listed in XML files and can be accessed through StandardFileImportFilterService. This approach makes it possible to package all the resources into the aranea jar archives and no manual copying of necessary files to fixed locations is needed.

Aranea comes bundled with a aranea-resources.xml file which defines all the external resources.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <files content-type="text/css" group="defaultStyles">
    <file path="styles/_styles_global.css"/>
    <file path="styles/_styles_screen.css"/>

  <files content-type="image/gif">
    <file path="gfx/i01.gif"/>
    <file path="gfx/i02.gif"/>

All the files listed in the configuration files are allowed to be loaded through the FileImportFilter. Some are grouped by name to provide an easy access for reading files in bulk.

To override specific files in the configuration file, the new file should be placed in a subdirectory override. When loading a file, Aranea first trys to open the file in the override directory and on failure trys to read the file without the prefix directory.

To add files to the defined list, construct a configuration file and name it aranea-resources.xml. All such configuration files from the classpath are parsed for the resources. If two file groups are defined with the same name, the group is formed by taking a union from the files in the group.

Groupnames defaultStyles and defaultScripts are predefined groups for managing the necessary core files that must be included for Aranea to work correctly.

For custom loading a resource, the URL to use is /fileimporter/filepath. The fileimporter is StandardFileImportFilterService.FILE_IMPORTER_NAME and filepath is the path that is defined for the file in the resource configuration file.

Extensions of the framework provide their own configuration files for configuring their resources. New extensions cannot be defined right now on the fly.